
Brand Story



About Dachun Soap


Dachun was founded in 1924 by Mr. Junichi Inoue, President of Taiwan Soap Joint Venture, a soap brand created in Midoricho (now Wanhua District, Taipei). The foundation of Dachun marked the start of soap business development in Taiwan, making it one of the most popular brand names. As business began to grow, Dachun shifted its base to the business district of Dadaocheng. In 1934, our founder, Mr. Shui-Tu Lee, created Watermark Company near Longshan Temple, embarking on his career in soap production and the grocery business.


Water and earth, two fundamental elements integral to our environment, are carried in the connotations of Mr. Lee’s first name, Shui-Tu, which means water and earth, promoting our green philosophy of harmonious cohabitation and sustainable development. When Japan left Taiwan in 1950, Mr. Lee inherited Dachuns Soap from the Japanese and continued producing and selling soaps. The business was run by Lee with the highest standards of integrity and was passed on to Lee’s descendants, who have lived up to their grandfather’s ideas and spirits over the past seven decades.


In search of the original faith and in the hopes of carrying on Mr. Lee’s spirits and ideas so that more people could feel his blessings, as well as his love and passion for nature, Dachun returned to Dadaocheng in 2016. At Dachun, we don’t just produce soap; we meticulously forge every single bar of soap to deliver the essence of simplicity, while showing respect for nature in order to achieve not only harmonious cohabitation between human beings and our planet but also sustainable development.



1st Generation: Grandpa Lee Shui-Tu



History of Dachun Soap




1924: Daschun Soap was established

Establisher Mr. Junichi Inoue established Taiwan Soap Joint Venture (Dachun Soap) and started to produce soaps.




1930s: "Authority in the reign of Soaps"

Dachun Soap became one of the leading soap companies in Taiwan and was called "the authority in the reign of soaps."



1934:Watermark Company was established 

Granpa Lee Shui-Tu established the Watermark and started his career of soap making.



1950: Grandpa Lee Took Over the Dachun Soap 

Grandpa Lee took over Dachun Soaps from the Japanese, and became the 1st generation of the family business. He insisted to run business with integrity and deep respect for nature, and the spirit has become the core value of Dachun Soaps.



1979: The 2nd Generation 

Mr. Lee Wei-Xin took over the family business in 1979. The company transformed to soap OEM and ODM, manufacturing soaps for top hotels at home and abroad.



2016: Back to Dadaocheng, Taipei

Passed down to the 3rd generation, Dachun Soap is back to Dihua Street, Dadaocheng, with our own-brand soaps and products.