


Orders are usually shipped out within 3 business days. If the item you order is out of stock, we will notify you the estimated time of availability. Once the item is available and has been shipped, they will normally be delivered within the time listed below.


All delivery times listed below are estimates only, based on availability, normal processing and delivery companies.


EMS (Express Mail Service of post office):
Japan: 7-10 business days


SF Express:
Hong Kong & Macau: 3-5 business days


Songapore: 8-10 business days
Malaysia: 8-11 business days


Usually, the soaps will last longer if you put it in a cool, dry and well ventilated place. Simply store it on a soap dish, if you have one, or use the side of your bath or basin if not.


Some of our bars need to be stored in a certain way:


Bar soaps

Includes: The Luxurious Exotic Shampoo Bar Series and the Syndet Bar Soap Series
Bar soaps are activated by water. If the bar sit in water for too long, it will eventually turn into a wet, soggy mess. We strongly recommend storing your bar soaps in a cool, dry place and keeping your bar dry in between uses to extend its lifespan.

The Crystal Amino Acid Soap Series

Amino acid soaps quickly become smaller when placed in a humid place and turn sticky when kept dry. Store them in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated environment on the sponge soap dish that comes with them.


Usually, facial soaps remove some, but not all, kinds if make up. We stronly recommend you to use makeup removers before washing your face with our facial soaps.


Dachun Soap is dedicated to make soaps with several functions for different skin types. We recommend you to start with bars.


The range includes:


Body: Syndet Cleansing Bars
Face: Crystal Amino Acid Soaps, and Syndet Cleansing Bars
Hair: Luxurious Exotic Shampoo Bars


If you have really seneitive skin, you can start with the Syndet Cleansing Bar with zero fragrance.


We recommend pregnant mothers to choose gentle soap-free bars, including our Syndet Cleansing Bar Series (2 types: Lucky Clover & Fragrance-Free) for body or face cleasing, Crystal Amino Acid Soaps (2 types: Floral Jade and Transluscent Jade) for face cleansing, and Luxurious Exotic Shampoo Bars.


As to babies, we recommend the fragrance-free Syndet Cleansing Bar as they are the gentlest on skin among all ranges.

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